Welcome to the BCGS Indiana Website
Print out and complete the membership application to the left. Mail with $20 for a full year of 2025 member benefits to the following:
Boone County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 495
Lebanon, IN 46052
Monthly Meetings
We meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM generally for a speaker or other activity (except July and December when we do not meet). We generally meet at the Lebanon Public Library but locations and topics may vary so check to the right for the next three events or the "Society Events" for all events and to see more details.
The public is always WELCOME!
We also have a group called the Diggers that usually meets the second Thursday of the month at 1 PM at the Lebanon Public Library most times. Check the list of Society Events to verify the location for the month. Instead of having speakers it is more a forum to present problems or ask questions about the nuts and bolts of doing genealogy.
Cemetery Research
Like to see a particular list of the occupants of a cemetery? Let us know and we can work on that cemetery next!
Recently Added: Clements/Pratt Cemetery
Dowden Cemetery
Sheets Cemetery
Brush Creek Cemetery
Browns Wonder Cemetery
Center Cemetery (in progress)
Tabs on Left
Clicking on tabs to the left that have a "v" at the end will open an additional menu. Some are viewable by the public and others require a membership.